2024 Tax Increase

2024 Tax Increase
Guard District Update


As you may remember, the Board delivered a flyer last year prior to us voting, to explain what the potential cost effect of the increased guard hours might be. The rate per household was projected to go up to about $700 without the increased hours being factored in. The County estimated the rate increase might range from $950 - $1,100 the first year, and $800 - $950 each year thereafter. Instead of $1,100 this year it is $1,235. We were hoping for the lower amount in 2024 but we cannot control the numbers and its still close. Remember this first year (2024) includes the increased hours and the administrative costs incurred during 2023 relative to our petition and voting plus the County had understated their numbers the past few years mostly due to staffing issues. They now seem to have a very competent staff and support team from my observations. Based on a conversation yesterday with the financial person managing our costs, the County seems to think the 2025 bill will be more like $850 based on today’s costs.


The increase certainly hits our pocketbooks some but let’s remember some of the good things the increase brings to our neighborhood:

  1. It has doubled the patrol hours that was very stretched by Officer Adrian Gonzalez and his team.
  2. It has added more officers over more days, including weekends.  Schedules would continue to vary week to week so criminals cannot predict their presence.
  3. It has enabled our guys to spread out coverage over a 24-hour period, whereas before it was mostly day and early evening.
  4. It provides additional resources to do Watch Orders on your home when traveling.
  5. It has enabled the officers to manage a closer watch over outside intrusion of cars, vans & trucks going to Mercy, LaSalle and downtown especially using Nocatee and Alatka.
  6. It hopefully has helped reduce speeding problems.
  7. It has definitely provided better protection for the increase in number of children in our neighborhood.
  8. It will hopefully increase the value of homes, being in a better protected area than other parts of the Grove. 
  9. Bottom Line: It will keep us safer. Let’s continue to be proactive, not reactive.  Officer Adrian continues to reinforce the fact we are one of the safest neighborhoods in Miami-Dade County not just the City of Miami. 


John Schoendorf
